
The steering committee is responsible for planning and organising the Assembly each year. It is responsible to the Assembly for the implementation of its decisions and the answering of any questions raised. The committee meets two or three times a year as necessary.

The committee consists of men elected by the Assembly, the maximum being twelve at any time. Three men are elected each year at the annual business meeting. Members serve for a period of four years, and may be considered for re-election.

Any member elected to replace someone who has stood down before his term has expired will serve only until the completion of that term.

The committee will elect a chairman who will serve for a period of three years. Churches wishing to nominate anyone for the steering committee should do so in writing to the chairman or secretary at least a fortnight before the Assembly.

The existing committee members are listed below.

Graham Field
Mark Richards
David Last
Richard Lambert
Jonathan Chell
Colin Grimwood
Ian Jemmett
Stephen Rees